Design Navigator Library

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The Design Navigator Library contains 100+ resources that help designers excel in their chosen path – as freelancers, founders, creators, or valued team members.

The Library is curated by Design Disciplin founder Dr. Mehmet Aydın Baytaş, and refined with the help of contributors who are accomplished professionals in their fields.

Visit to take a test, get recommendations for a career path – between being a freelancer, founder, creator, or employee – and preview content from the Library.

Access to the Design Navigator Library is free for Design Disciplin community members – visit and join our membership program to gain access to the Library, along with our private community server and other offerings!

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A Notion database with 100+ resources curated by Design Disciplin founder Dr. Mehmet Aydın Baytaş and professional contributors.

Relevant for
Designers working as freelancers, founders, creators, and employees
Types of Content
Books, online courses, podcasts, blogs, YouTube channels
Last Updated
Jan 2023
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Design Navigator Library

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